Wednesday, November 12, 2008

response to texting article

Today in the New York Times, there was an article on text messaging called, "Thumbspeak" by Louis Menand. There were some things that i believe and disagree about the article. The article seems like everyone uses slang when the text, but that is not true. First hand when I text message, I just abreeviate I do not write words wrong. I think that it is laziness when people spell things wrong. They can take the extra secong to write out the whole word. I ean it is not that hard. For me, I set my cell phone on word so I always use the full word. Also the other thing about my cell phone is that i have a two -sided phone. I have both numeric key pad and a full board key pad. Even when i use the full key board, I try my best to write out the whole word. Sometimes I may forget to write it all because I am in a rush. Overall texting has really influenced our generation.
First off, I think our generation depends on your cell phones too much. My mom is always telling me that I am too attached to my phone and she thinks everything i do with it is stupid. That is the difference between our generation and hers. To us, texting is an easier way to connect with friends and family. On the other hand, texting can get really annoying. Especially when i have to tell someone something long and I have to text it to them, it gets so annoying and hurts my thumbs sometimes. It may sounds ridiculous, but I think texting can be taken as an extreme sometimes. The other side of texting is that if you just have to say something to a lot of people, it is easier to send one massive text them call each one of them. Also when someone needs to tell you something quick like a time change in something or if something was cancelled, it is just easier to text and and you do not have to respond, but with a phone call it just take too much time. I think that text messages are both over used and they are helpful.
As you can see text messaging is what you make it. It can be helpful and useful. Text messaging is good when you are away for the weekend or went on a vacation and theres a party your friend is at and want to know what is going on, you can text your friend asking how it is. I do not thing your friend is going to anwer her cell phone at a party, she is most likely to answer a text message. Also people over use text messaging by texting in schools and for the stupidest reasons. I do not see why a person has to text you first thing in the morning to say "hey" when you would be seeing them at school. In conclusion text messages are good to have but they should not be over used and not make our generation so attached to them.

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