Thursday, May 14, 2009

on the bridge..

Everyone is faced with challenges, either making good or bad choices. Every one faces it and everyone hates dealing with them. You can go on either side of the bridge, good or bad. I have been on the bridge many times. One way i have been crossing the bridge was when my friend was fighting with my other good friend. I was caught in the situation. I could have either backed up my friend who was being bullied or I could have stood up for her.  This situation could not have been worse, my two good friends who could no longer get along. 

Friday, March 27, 2009

August 27, 2008, a warm summer day in Hong Kong, China. The day of my assembly, the day I came into the world. I came from a nice factory system of Nike Shoes. They put a brown blanket on top of me with some gold lining. Every one was giving me so many compliments of my good looks. When i was born I was a size 8.5 and 1.3 pounds. It has been three months since I was born, and I have finally gotten my home. It is brand new design house. Blue with and orange swoosh. My brother and I  have been united in our house and about to be set off to the big apple. 
We have just arrived from our long journey. My brother, Jeffery, and I are so excited. We have arrived her with hundreds of other shoes, but us lucky ones are being put right on the market. We are being considered the new season, and everyone wants to take a look at us. We have just been deportation to the Riverside Mall. It is very nice here and everyone around us seems to be nice. The only downfall is that my brother is stuck in the box, but I have been put on display. Well I have my first cousin, Marly to my right, and some stuck up metallic converse on my left. These converse think they are better then the rest of us, when in reality they're not. 
I have just been assigned my new home in Paramus, New Jersey. The home is quite big, but my new owner is such a sweet heart. Jeffery and I have been united. I'm on the right, and he's on the left. Together we can accomplish anything. We now give our comfort to a teenage girl. Every time she puts us on, she feels this new sense of confidence. With us on, she has received hundreds on tests, won her spelling bee, and won the fifty-fifty at a basketball game. 
My owner has great care for me. She doesn't take me out in the rain because I am made out of leather. Every so often she gives me a bath, which feels so nice going down the leather heel and rubber sole. In the summer we go out to the park, where many people have hit on me. Jeffery is a very protective person, so I have never gotten any of their serial numbers, but some day we will meet again. I love it when the sun is shining; my brother, owner, and I all go for a bike ride. The wind going against the laces and through the fiber feels so nice.  I especially love it when she wears me to school, when she hangs out with her friends, I am with all of my friends too. I do not know what I would do without my amazing owner.

Friday, March 6, 2009

the overcrowded lifeboat

Moral Dilemma: In 1842, a ship struck an iceberg and more than 30 survivors were crowded into a lifeboat intended to hold 7. As a storm threatened, it became obvious that the lifeboat would have to be lightened if anyone were to survive. The captain reasoned that the right thing to do in this situation was to force some individuals to go over the side and drown. Such an action, he reasoned, was not unjust to those thrown overboard, for they would have drowned anyway. If he did nothing, however, he would be responsible for the deaths of those whom he could have saved. Some people opposed the captain's decision. They claimed that if nothing were done and everyone died as a result, no one would be responsible for these deaths. On the other hand, if the captain attempted to save some, he could do so only by killing others and their deaths would be his responsibility; this would be worse than doing nothing and letting all die. The captain rejected this reasoning. Since the only possibility for rescue required great efforts of rowing, the captain decided that the weakest would have to be sacrificed. In this situation it would be absurd, he thought, to decide by drawing lots who should be thrown overboard. As it turned out, after days of hard rowing, the survivors were rescued and the captain was tried for his action. If you had been on the jury, how would you have decided?

I think the captain is completely guilty. He shouldn't be the one picking and choosing. He was the one who drove the the boat write into an ice berg. I mean there not tiny, you can see when an ice berg is coming, they don't just pop out of no where. I think this captain is ashamed from steering it write into an ice berg, so he wants to try and be the hero of the day. In fact, he's not being a hero, he shouldn't have picked and chose and just let the people die as a result from the storm. This captain should have stayed on the boat, to help the people considering he was the one who steered it into the ice berg. I think you can just man up and make the boat fit more than seven people. I mean I'm sure it can fit at least twelve people, tightly. This captain makes me really angry to think that he is superior to all of the people and can say who can live and who cannot. This really was not a fair way for people to die, he should have just kept all of the people on the boat, who ever fell off, fell off and he would not be in this position. If I was on the jury for this mains case, I would send him straight to jail.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

venting letter to a motivational speaker about gambling

I have an addition, it doesn't have to do with drugs or alcohol, it has to do with my life earnings. I love to gamble. The feeling getting all of the pot is almost better then the feeling of getting high. If i don't start soon, it will start to be a real problem and will effect everybody I am around. My parents don't lend me any money anymore and I lost their trust with money. My boyfriend just left me of five years because I kept on taking his money and said I was going on "shopping sprees," something he would buy, but clearly not the case. When i walk into a casino, a huge relieve of relief is lifted off of my shoulders. This addiction is affecting my job and the company. During work I get really antsy and panic at times. I need to be spending money. Some days are worse then others. At times I can walk in and just stay for a couple of rounds. But some days it gets really bad. I stay for hours until I can win. The feeling is just indescribable. This is honestly becoming such a huge problem. With the economy going down the drain, my money is going with it. If i don't start to buckle down with work and gets some help, I am going to be on the street. It is scary to think about, but I know it will happen if I don't get the help i need. My future can be bright, but gambling has to be out of the picture. I really need all the help I need, please give me some advice.